Who are we ?

We are a IT & Mobile Apps Development Company specializing in Augumented Reality. We provide an innovation and effective solutions in every single project. Our vision is to open up technologies to everyone in all aspects, both business or consumers.

If you want to build your tailor made solution based on latest innovation, please don’t hesitate to contact us.


Geo Location AR

The geolocation based AR is a great tool that shows all the local information about places of interest in the user’s vicinity in a seamless and highly intuitive way.

The desired application simplifies places search with visualization. It allows the user to look for places of interest in the most easiest way - just by looking through the phone camera.

Showcase : BeetleTrip AR 


Object Based AR

The powerful technology behind the tool is capable of recognizing and tracking not just planar images but also complex 3D objects independently of their size and geometry.

3D object rendering in real time, as well as user interaction with 3D models (e.g. selection, rotation, scaling). It might be useful in product specifications, instructional training/educational materials, toy industry, etc.

Showcase : AR Toys, AR Product Intro, AR Training


Image Based AR

Regarding tracking of an image – the algorithm has to be able to track the image across the scene while the user is making movements with the mobile device or even while the target is moving.

The user could feel the new experience by mixing real and virtual world in one single space and moment.

Showcase : AR Invitation/Wedding Card, AR Children Books


Motion Tracking

Motion tracking is nowadays a standard approach for creating engaging and entertaining user experiences.

With emerges of integrated tracking hardware like Microsoft Kinect and Leap Motion, these 3D sensors provides us with amazing possibilities of transferring real life body movement to a virtual environment and linking it to other virtual characters or sources of interaction.

Showcase : AR Gaming, AR Shopping Mall marketing campaigns


Virtual Reality

Virtual reality means simulating bits of our world using high-performance computers and sensory equipment, like headsets and gloves. Apart from Games and Entertainment, it's long been used for training pilots and surgeons and for Sports and Real Estate industries.

Showcase : VR Ticketing, VR Real Estate



We provide one-stop solutions to fit your needs and create values together.

Tailor made Projects

We understand each enterprise have different needs and can customize solution just for your company. Our fresh approach combined with our multitude of professional experiences are perfectly positioned to make a positive impact on your business whatever your challenge relating to.

UX/Interactive Design​​​

User is our top priority. Our applications design should be user-centered design practices to generate cohesive, predictive and desirable interfaces based on holistic consideration of users’ experience.​

IT Development​

Specialize in Xcode, Java, MySQL, MongoDB, etc.

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